Спорт. Урок №10. 6 клас. Англійська мова

Урок №10

Урок №9

Напиши короткий твір про спорт у твоїй школі. Скористайся планом з уроку №7.
Write a short essay about sport in your school. Use the plan from the lesson #7.

Урок №8


  1. Make up two sentences about what you couldn’t do when you were a child and what you can do now. Use: When I was a child I couldn’t/could ……. but now I can/ can’t.
  2. Write all proper names you’ve remembered at the last lesson.

Урок №7


  1. Make up 2 sentences. Склади речення за зразком. Example: When we go skateboarding we use our leg and arm muscles. We also need a good balance to move.
  2. Google – what is Jumping Jack?

Урок №6

Homework: Complete the sentence about you, using:

  1. I like
  2. I would like
  3. I want
  4. I must
  5. I should
  6. I can’t

Урок №5


  1. Range these sports from the most dangerous to the safest. Make up 2 sentences using comparison degrees. (запиши види спорту від найнебезпечнішого до найбезпечнішого.
    Склади 2 речення використовуючи ступені порівняння прикметників): swimming, mountain biking, windsurfing, tennis, running, chess, boxing.
  2. *. Write an email to your English-speaking friend about your opinion – which sport he should choose – windsurfing or running. Use this plan:
    1. “Hi”
    2. Opening remarks (reason for writing, state topic): You said you’re thinking of…/You asked for my opinion about/on/You asked me what I think about
    3. Good point/bad points with reasons.
    4. Your opinion: I think/In my opinion
    5. Closing remarks: Good luck/Let me know how it goes/you get on/Keep me posted
    6. Your first name
    Look at example:
    From: David
    To: Nat
    Subject: Skateboarding or basketball?
    Hi Nat,
    You asked me about my opinion which sport you should choose – skateboarding or basketball. Skateboarding is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but it’s expensive. There is a lot of equipment to buy like skateboard, helmet and special clothes. And it is really dangerous. Basketball is very exiting and it’s not so expensive to play. It teaches you team skills but it can be dangerous too – you can get hurt easily.
    To me, both sports are great. Choose the one you like the most. Let me know how it goes. David

Урок №4


  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of words
  • The coach shouted at the goalkeeper (loud)________
  • You hit the tennis ball very (powerful)__________
  • Sonia skates (beautiful)__________
  • The footballer kicked the ball (confident)__________ and scored a goal.

Урок №3


Complete the sentences with can – can’t, must – mustn’t
You __________touch your face.
Footballer _____________touch the ball.
We __________ put on masks when we enter a shop.
You ___________ dive into a pool. It’s dangerous.
You ____________come here without your documents.

Write 4-5 sentences about your favorite sport and reason why you like it
Write a dialog about your experience of trying extreme sport. Describe your feelings.

Урок №2

Онлайн урок

Урок №1

Онлайн урок


  1. Вивчити лексику.
  2. Correct the mistakes (Виправте помилки):
    • Let’s do swimming after school!
    • My brother doesn’t go boxing. He thinks it’s boring.
    • Last summer they did surfing in Spain.
    • She plays aerobics every morning because she likes dancing.
    • Look! They are doing hockey without helmets. It’s dangerous!
( 10 оцінок, середнє 4.8 з 5 )
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