Подорож. Інфінітив у різних формах. Введення лексичних одиниць, аудіювання. 11 клас. Англійська мова

Урок №7

Homework: Make at least three 1-minute speeches on the given topics https://wordwall.net/resource/2156906/talk-about-ukraine

Урок №6

Homework: Write the letter of reply using the prompts. Improve your letter with the online tools

Урок №5

Homework: Record your speech on this topic: Travelling makes you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller

Урок №4

Homework: Write an essay “Life on the Road: advantages and disadvantages”

Урок №3

Урок №2


  1. Complete the Mind Map “Infinitives” with your own sentences.
  2. Set a record in the game WordWall “Infinitive vs. Gerund” https://wordwall.net/

Урок №1



  1. Learn the words from the set Travel Words on Quizlet https://quizlet.com/
  2. Create a travel advertisement for the tour “The weekend in Reykjavik”
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