Переклади текстів Карпюк 5 клас 2022

5 клас

Переклади текстів до НУШ підручника з англійської мови для 5 класу Карпюк Оксани і Крістіни. 2022 рік. Перекладені усі сторінки допоможуть бітькам і дітям перевіряти домашні завдання з англійської.

Сторінка 6

Вправа 1. Read and say if all of the children are neighbours.

Привіт! Мене звати Майкл або скорочено Майк. Мої батьки кличуть мене Майк, але я не немовля. Мені 11 років і я є в 5 класі.


Привіт! Я Лінда. Я найкраща подружка Кейті. Ми є в одному класі. Але ми не сусіди.


Привіт! Я Кейті. Моє прізвище Робертс. Мені 10,а моє день народження в листопаді. Тому можна сказати, що мені майже 11.


Привіт! Мене звати Пітер, але всі друзі кличуть мене Піт. Я також маю прізвисько. Це 007,тому що я шаленію від детективів і шпигунських історій. Мій улюблений шпигун це Джеймс Бонд.


Вправа 2. Listen to the text and read it again. Complete the sentences.

  1. Michael`s parents call him Mike.
  2. Cathy`s surname is Roberts.
  3. Linda is Cathy`s best friend.
  4. Peter`s nickname is 007.

Сторінка 7

Вправа 3. Complete the sentences about yourself.

Hi! My name is Elizaveta or Lisa for short.
My parents call me Liza.
My surname is Savenko. I am almost 10 years old.
My birthday is in June.
I am in the fifth form this year.
I haven`t got a nickname.
My friends call me every day.

Вправа 4. Ask and answer in pairs.

My name is Elizaveta.
My surname is Savenko.
I am almost 10 years old.
My birthday is in June.
I am in the fifth form this year.
I haven`t got a nickname.

Сторінка 8

Вправа 6. Group up these phrases into two columns. Column ‘T’ is for a teacher,
column ‘S’ is for a student. Write your answers down into the notebook.
Add any other phrases that you remember.

сторінка 8 вправа 6 карпюк 5 клас 2022 рік

Вправа 7. Listen to the dialogues and complete them with the phrases from task 6. Then read them in class.

сторінка 8 вправа 7 карпюк 5 клас 2022 рік

Сторінка 10

Hey! Welcome to our website Kids Online!
This is a place where you can find lots of interesting information, contact kids and teens from all around the world and post different blogs about yourself, too. And, of course, you can learn and practise your English here!

Хей! Ласкаво просимо до нашого вебсайту Kids Online!
Це місце, де ти можете знайти багато цікавої інформації, зконтактуватись з дітьми та підлітками зі всього світу і постити (виставляти) різні блоги про себе. І, звичайно, тут ти можеш вивчати і практикувати свою англійську.


I usually watch videos on YouTube and I often chat with my friends on Viber. But now I want to try something different! I want to make friends from different countries and practise my English. Your website gives me a chance! I am also happy that there are videos about kids like me here!

Anna: Я зазвичай дивлюсь відео на Youtube i часто переписуюсь зі своїми друзями по вайберу. Але зараз хочу спробувати дещо інше! Я хочу завести друзів (подружитись) з інших країн і практикувати свою англійську. Ваші вебсайти дають мені шанс! Я також щаслива, що тут є відео про дітей, таких як я.


I always watch films online and never on TV. You can find anything on the Internet but on TV you always watch what they show you. I really like your website because there are lists of new fi lms every week! I sometimes listen to your music too!

Tim: Я завжди дивлюсь фільми онлайн і ніколи по телевізору. Ти можеш знайти все в інтернеті, але по телевізору ти завжди можеш подивитись те, що там показують. Мені справді сподобався ваш вебсайт, тому що тут є списки нових фільмів кожного тижня.  Я також інколи слухаю вашу музику.

Вправа 1. Read the messages above and answer the questions.

  1. Kids Online is a website.
  2. You can find lots of interesting information, post different blogs about yourself, contact kids and teens from all around the world.
  3. Anna wants to make friends from different countries and practice her English.
  4. Tim always watches films and listens to music.

Вправа 2. Name other websites that you know. Work in pairs. Tell your partner what you do on the Internet.

I know websites Chytanka, it is a library for kids, where you can find different books and Lingualeo, where you can learn English.

Сторінка 11

The Internet is a large SAFETY sphere where you can fi nd a lot of information and contact people from different parts of the world. However, there are some websites where the data2 is fake3 or where there are viruses that can break your computer, smartphone or tablet. Another problem is when someone gets your personal information and uses it. That is why you always have to be careful. Here are some tips.

Безпека в інтернеті
Інтернет – це величезна сфера, де ти можеш знайти багато інформації, зконтактуватись з людьми з різних частин світу. Протеєм деякі вебсайти, де є підроблені дані чи де є віруси, які можуть зламати твій комп’ютер, смартфон чи планшет. Іншою проблемою є те, що хтось може отримати твою особисту інформацію та використовувати її. Ось чому ти завжди повинен бути обережним.

Ось декілька порад:

  • Не користуйся вебсайтами де вказано «небезпечний»;
  • Користуйся тими вебсайтами, які ти знаєш, якщо вебсайт новий, то попроси перевірити його на безпеку;
  • Виходь зі свого акаунта перед тим як вимкнути комп’ютер;
  • Не ділись надто великою кількістю особистої інформації і завжди думай перед тим як щось виставляти;
  • Створи надійний пароль і зберігай його в секреті.

Вправа 3. Read the text above and choose the right words in the sentences below.

Use the websites that you know.
Make a difficult password.
Don’t use unsafe websites.
Share a little personal information.
Sign out of your account when you are finished.

Сторінка 12

Вправа 2. Name the subjects you have got.

Maths, IT, Music, English, PE, History, Science, Art

Вправа 3. Match the subjects with the examples.

1-с; 2-j; 3-e; 4-a; 5-b; 6-h; d; 7- 8- f; 9-g; 10-i

Вправа 4. Guess the subjects (1-10). Say what you do in these lessons.

  1. In IT we learn how to use the computer.
  2. In Geography we read about countries all over the world.
  3. In Art we draw and paint.
  4. In History we discuss how people lived in the past.
  5. In English we study English words, phrases and grammar.
  6. In Maths we use numbers and calculations.
  7. In Science we learn about animals, plants and the human body.
  8. In PE we play different sports.
  9. In Music we learn about composers, styles of music.
  10. In Handicraft we make different things and cook.

Вправа 5. Name your favourite subject. Explain why you like it.

My favourite subject is PE, because I like to play different sports.

Сторінка  13

Вправа 1. Read and guess the missing words.

In PE you really have fun because you play different sports. During the class you are not in the classroom but in the gym or in the school playground. You need sneakers and special clothes.

На фізкультурі ти справді веселишся, тому що граєш у різні види спорту. Протягом уроку ти не в класика в спортзалі чи шкільному майданчику. Тобі потрібні кросівки і спеціальний одяг.


In Maths you work with numbers. You do all sorts of mathematical calculations. You add numbers (two plus two is four), subtract numbers (four minus three is one), multiply numbers (two times six is twelve) or divide numbers. But that’s not all. There are many more things you can do with numbers.

На математиці ти працюєш з числами. Ти робиш всі види математичних обрахунків. Ти додаєш числа, віднімаєш числа, множиш чи ділиш їх. Але це не все. Є набагато більше речей, які ти можеш робити з числами.


In IT you learn everything about computers and how to use computers. It is fun because you sometimes play games. But you can also chat with your friends or find many interesting things on the Internet.

На інформатиці ти вчиш все про комп’ютери та як ними користуватись. Це весело, тому що інколи ти граєш ігри. Але ти можеш також переписуватись зі своїми друзями чи знайти багато цікавих речей в інтернеті.


In Geography you learn about our planet, about other planets and stars. You also learn about rivers, lakes, mountains, continents, countries and cities from all over the world. Of course, you need a map and a globe.

На географії ти вчиш про нашу планету, про інші планети і зірки. Також ти вчиш про річки, озера, гори, континенти, країни і міста зі всього світу. Звичайно, тобі потрібні карта та глобус.


In History you learn about the things and people from the past. You can hear fascinating stories about what life was like before. You read about heroes and battles. But you must learn some years, too.

На історії ти вчиш про речі і людей з минулого. Ти можеш почути захоплюючі історії про те, яким було життя в минулому. Ти читаєш про героїв та битви. Але також ти повинен вчити і роки.


In Science you learn about nature: all living creatures on our planet — plants, animals, people. You learn what they eat, where they live, how they grow. You can even do some experiments.

На природознавстві (науці) ти вчиш про природу: всі живі створіння на нашій планеті-рослини, тварини, люди. Ти вчиш про те, що вони їдять, де живуть, як вони ростуть. Ти навіть можеш робити деякі експерименти.

Сторінка  14  

Вправа 3. Correct these wrong statements.

In Geography you learn about our planet, about other planets and stars.

In IT you learn everything about computers.

In History you learn about the things and people from the past.

In Science you learn about nature.

In Maths you work with numbers.

In PE you play different sports.

Вправа 4. Name all the subjects you have got this year. Tell the class about your favourite subject and the activities you usually do in it.

This year I have got such subjects as: Maths, IT, Music, English, PE, History, Science and Art.

My favourite subjects are PE and Science. In PE we play different sports. In Science we learn about nature and sometimes do experiments.

Сторінка  15

Вправа 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple.

Summer starts in June.
Fruit and vegetables give you vitamins.
My dad goes to work at 8 o’clock in the morning.
We watch cartoons at weekends.
His brother studies at school № 10.

Вправа 2. Complete the phrases with ‘on’, ‘in’ or ‘at’. Make your sentences with them.

  1. at 2. in 3.in  4.at  5.in  6.on

Вправа 3. Complete the questions using ‘do’ or ‘does’. Give short answers too.

  1. Do you ride your bike? — Yes, I do.
  2. Does your father play games? — No, he doesn`t
  3. Do your parents work online? — No, they don`t.
  4. Does your mum like football? — No, she doesn`t
  5. Do my friend and I have lessons? — Yes, we do.
  6. 6. Does your computer work well? — Yes, it does.

Сторінка  16

Вправа 2. Copy the table into your notebook. Then listen and tick the correct box.

Карпюк 5 клас 2022 сторінка 16 вправа 2

Вправа 3. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1.b   2.a   3.c   4.b

Вправа 4. Say if the statements are true or false.

1- True   2- False   3-True    4-True  5-False    6-False   7-True   8-False

Сторінка  17

Вправа 1. Copy the correct pairs in your notebook.

0-zero    1-one 2-two  21-twenty-one  19-nineteen    50-fifty

Вправа2. Continue the chain.

Even numbers: two, four, six, eight, ten

Odd numbers: one, three, five, seven, nine

Вправа 3

1.c  2.d  3.e  4.b  5.a

Сторінка  18

Вправа 1. Complete the sentences as in the example.

Stella is short but Rita is shorter. Rita is shorter than Stella.

Tom’s kitten is small but Ben’s puppy is smaller. Ben’s puppy is smaller than Tom`s.

My bag is big but your bag is bigger. Your bag is bigger than my bag.

I am good at English but you are better. You are better than I.

Pete has got a nice car but Sam has got a nicer car. Sam’s car is nicer than Pete`s.

Вправа 2. Fill in the correct forms of the adjectives from the box.

  1. more boring 2.more interesting 3.more difficult    4.more normal  5.more popular

Сторінка  19

Вправа 1. b) Tell Tania about your English lessons, your new English book and your teacher.

Tania`s problem is that it’s difficult for her to say ‘rrr’ in Spanish!

Вправа 2. Read the dialogue, then look at your timetable. Ask and answer in pairs.

A: How often do we have Science?

B: Two times a week.

A: When do we have it?

B: Science is on Monday and Thursday.

A: When do we have Maths on Tuesday?

B: Maths is the fourth lesson on Tuesday. We have it at 12 o’clock.

Вправа 3. Use the questions and talk in groups of three.

How many subjects have you got? I have got 8 subjects.  Is your timetable OK? Yes, it is, because every day we have easy subjects.

Who is your Maths teacher? Nadia Ivanivna What is he or she like? She is strict and old.

Who is your form teacher? My form teacher is Olha Vasylivna.

Who is your favourite teacher? My favourite teacher is Oleh Ihorovych. What is he or she like? He is tall and sporty.

What are you good at? I am good at PE. What are you bad at? I am bad at Maths.

Have you got any unusual teachers? No, I haven`t got any unusual teachers.

How many students are there in your class? There are 15 students in my class. Who are they? They are Ukrainians.

Сторінка  20

Вправа 1. Listen to the dialogue between Mike and Cathy again (page 16 task 2) and write the missing words.

1-my  2-our  3-your  4-her  5-their

Вправа 2. Write a short report about your school life. Start like this.

I have got 8 subjects. My timetable is normal because there are easy subjects everyday /I am good at PE but I am bad at Maths. My form teacher is Iryna Viktorivna.  He/She is also my English teacher. My favourite teacher is Oleh Ihorovich.

Вправа 3. Read a page from Cathy’s diary. Then say why she is bored
and what she would like to do one day.

She is bored because every day is the same and nothing interesting happens.

One day she would like to travel around the world in a hot-air balloon.

Вправа 4. b) Write an e-mail to Cathy about your typical day.

b) Hello Cathy,

My every day starts from breakfast and then I quickly get ready and go to school. I have got 5 lessons each day. After school I have lunch and do my homework. Then I have a rest, watch a TV or play sports with my friends.

In the evening we have a dinner and I go to bed at 22:00. My days are not boring because I have a lot of activities.

Сторінка 21

Вправа 1

  • How many subjects has Mike got?  Mike has got 3 subjects.
  • Why isn’t his timetable OK? His timetable isn`t ok because the first lesson is Maths on Monday, Maths on Tuesday, Maths on Wednesday and Maths on Friday.
  • What isn’t he good at?  He isn`t good at Maths.
  • Why is he afraid of Mr Finch? Because he is strict.
  • What is Mike’s favourite subject? Mike`s favourite subject is PE.
  • Who is his form teacher? His form teacher is Miss Jones.
  • Who is his favourite teacher? His favorite teacher is Miss Jones.
  • What is she like? She is very pretty and young.
  • Who is his History teacher?  His History teacher is Mrs Pitt.
  • Why is she unusual?  She is unusual because of the colour of clothes.
  • How many new pupils are there in his class?  There are two new pupils in his class.
  • Who are they? They are twins from Australia.

Вправа 2

Mike`s first week was fine, but his timetable is horrible. He has got a lot of new teachers and subjects. His favourite subject is PE.

Вправа 3

  1. Mr Finch is a strict teacher. His tests are difficult.
  2. Mrs Pitt is unusual. Her clothes are funny.
  3. Mike and Cathy like Miss Jones. She is their favourite teacher.
  4. Who are you? What is your name?
  5. We are good at sport. Our favourite subject is PE.
  6. Look at that bird! Its wing is broken.
  7. I am in class 5B. My form teacher is Mrs Jason.

Вправа 4

  • on the Internet-6
  • at school with a teacher -2
  • talking to people in English -1
  • at home using a book -5
  • watching English films -3
  • listening to stories in English-4

Вправа 5

I learn English because I want to travel to other countries, have friends from other countries and understand songs and films

Сторінка 22   

Вправа 6

  1. a) Ann is in a good mood. – У Анни хороший настрій.
    Ann is in a bad mood. – У Анни поганий настрій.
  1. b) Do you keep a diary? No, I don`t. What do children usually write in their diaries? Children usually write their secrets in diaries.
  2. What is the first day at school usually like for students? The first day at school is usually nervous and difficult for students.
  3. How do you think new students feel when they come to a new school? I think that new students feel excited and lonely.
  4. How can teachers and students help new students in class? Teachers and students should communicate with new students and give useful advices.

Вправа 7

Monday, 15 September (the first day at school) Mum says that the first day at school is always difficult. But here, I’m really nervous. No one speaks Italian and I’m worried about my English! The Science teacher seems strict.

Понеділок, 15 вересня (перший день в школі) Мама каже, що перший день в школі завжди складний. Але тут, я справді нервую. Ніхто не розмовляє італійською і я хвилююсь через свою англійську. Вчитель природознавства виглядає строгим.


Tuesday, 23 September (the second week at school) I am still worried. Teachers don’t know me well, and I don’t speak English like other children. The Geography teacher is helpful and I really like the PE teacher. She runs up and down the school stairs during the break to keep fi t. I met Paul. Everybody calls him Bully because he teases girls and bullies little kids from the first form.

Вівторок, 23 вересня (другий тиждень в школі) Я продовжую хвилюватись. Вчителі не знають мене добре, і я не розмовляю англійською так як інші діти. Вчитель географії допомагає і мені подобається вчитель фізкультури. Вона бігає вгору і вниз по шкільних сходинках протягом перерви, щоб підтримувати форму. Я зустріла Паула. Всі називають його хуліганом, бо він дразнить дівчат та маленьких дітей з першого класу.


Wednesday, 15 October The headteacher wants to talk to me. He always talks to new students after the first month and he is not strict at all. The History teacher doesn’t write much on the whiteboard, so it’s really difficult to understand her! My classmates are nice. Especially Ella. She likes travelling so maybe I can invite her to Italy in summer. I miss my old friends!

Середа,15 жовтня. Директор хоче зі мною поговорити. Він завжди розмовляє з новими учнями після першого місця і він не строгий. Вчитель історії не пише багато на дошці, тому справді важко зрозуміти її! Мої однокласники хороші. Особливо Елла. Вона любить подорожувати, тому можливо я зможу запросити її до Італії влітку. Я скучаю за моїми старими друзями.


Saturday, 15 November I can’t believe it’s November. The first two months are behind me! I am not worried about my English any more. Teachers are helpful and they say I am hard-working. Even the Maths teacher is OK (but he still gives us a lot of homework). The students don’t tease me about my English. I think I’m going to like it here after all!

Субота,15 листопада. Я не можу повірити, що вже листопад. Перші два місяці позаду! Я вже не хвилююсь через мою англійську. Вчителі допомагають і вони кажуть, що я працьовита. Навіть вчитель математики ОК (але він далі задає багато домашнього завдання). Учні не дразнять мене через англійську. Я думаю, що зрештою мені тут сподобається!

Сторінка 23  

Вправа 8

  1. No, he doesn’t.
    b) Does the Maths teacher give them a lot of homework?
  2. She is nervous and worried.
    a) How does Ann feel on the first day at school?
  3. Because she wants to keep fit.
    b) Why does the PE teacher run up the stairs?
  4. No, he doesn’t.
    b) Does the History teacher write on the whiteboard?
  5. Yes, he does.
    a) Does the Geography teacher help Ann?
  6. She seems strict.
    a) What does the Science teacher seem like?

Вправа 9

  1. In September Ann feels worried.
  2. In November she feels OK.
  3. Students feel tired on
  4. Ann has six classes on
  5. On 15th October the headteacher wants to talk to her.
  6. In September children feel nervous because school starts.


Вправа 10

How do you feel after the first week at school, Ann? I still worried.
Do teachers help you? Yes, they do.
Which teachers do you like best? I like Geography and PE teachers the most.
What does Paul usually do at school? He usually he teases girls and bullies little kids from the first form.
What does Ella like doing? Ella likes travelling.
So, tell me about your classmates. Are they nice? My classmates are nice. They don’t tease me about my English.

Вправа 11

  1. I use a website Lingualeo. It is created to learn English. You can learn English words and phrases. Also you can practice your grammar.

Сторінка 24   

Вправа 1

  1. IT
  2. battles
  3. subject, to divide, to multiply, to subtract
  4. fascinating
  5. chat
  6. calculation

Вправа 2

1st – first
2nd – second
3rd – third
28th – twenty-eighth
337th – three hundred and thirty-seventh
29th – twenty-eighth
106th – one hundred and sixth
82nd – eighty-second

Вправа 3

  1. fatter
  2. smaller
  3. more beautiful
  4. more interesting
  5. more horrible
  6. better

Вправа 4.    1- at      2-in      3- on     4- at   5-on   6-in

Вправа 5.    1.d    2.c    3.b    4.e    5.f    6.a

Сторінка 25

(Unit 2 What about your family? Як щодо твоєї сім’ї?)

Leadin (Введення):

  • Have you got a brother or a sister? No, I haven’t. I am the only child.
  • Where do your cousins live? My cousins live in my town.


WHAT’S IN THIS UNIT? (Що є в цьому розділі?)


  • family members (члени сім’ї)
  • relatives (родичі)
  • jobs (професії)
  • qualities (якості)
  • Present Continuous (теперішній тривалий час)
  • would like (Я б хотіла)
  • wh-questions (спеціальні запитання)


SKILLS (навички)

  • introducing members of your family (представлення членів твоєї сім’ї)
  • describing a family member (опис члена сім’ї)
  • identifying jobs (ідентифікація професій)
  • talking about your parents’ jobs (розмова про роботу твоїх батьків)
  • discussing your dream job (обговорення твоєї роботи мрії)
  • writing a paragraph about your family member’s job / your dream job (написання твору про роботу членів твоєї сім’ї/роботу твоєї мрії)

Сторінка 26

Вправа 1.

Twins are always best friends. – Близнюки завжди є найкращими друзями

Twins look alike and no one can say who is who. – Близнюки виглядають однаково і ніхто не може сказати хто є хто.

Twins have special powers. – Близнюки мають  особливу силу.

Twins always compete with each other. – Близнюки завжди конкурують між собою.

Twins should always be in different classes so they can learn to live without each other. – Близнюки завжди повинні бути в різних класах, так вони зможуть навчитись жити один без одного.

Вправа 2.

1-d ; 2-a ; 3-b ; 4-c ; 5-e

Сторінка 27

Вправа 3.

a) Dr Green: Some twins really look alike but some don’t. When you know twins well, you can say who is who. Their parents can always say who is who. Kid’s Name – Taras,12

Лікар Грін: Деякі близнюки справді виглядають однаково, але не всі. Коли ти знаєш добре близнюків, ти можеш сказати хто є хто. Їхні батьки завжди знають хто є хто.


Dr Green: Not always. Sometimes it is better for young twins to be together in class, but they can work in different groups of children. Some twins are really sad when they are in different classes. Kid’s Name – Ira, 9

Лікар Грін: Не завжди. Інколи краще для молодих близнюків бути разом в класі, але вони можуть працювати в різних групах дітей. Деякі близнюки справді сумують коли вони є в різних класах.


Dr Green: Twins are close to each other, but that doesn’t mean they are always best friends. They enjoy playing with other kids just like any other children. Kid’s Name -Santiago, 11

Лікар Грін: Близнюки є близькими один з одним, але це не означає, що вони є найкращими друзями. Їм подобається гратись з іншими дітьми так як будь які інші діти.


Dr Green: Twins compete with each other just like any children. As they grow up, they no longer feel the need to compare themselves with their twin brother or sister. Kid’s Name – Sue, 6

Лікар Грін: Близнюки конкурують між собою так як інші діти. Так яку вони ростуть, вони довше не відчувають потреби співставляти себе з їхніми близнюком братом чи сестрою.




b) Dr Green: Some twins really look alike but some don’t. When you know twins well, you can say who is who. Their parents can always say who is who. Twins look alike and no one can say who is who.


Dr Green: Not always. Sometimes it is better for young twins to be together in class, but they can work in different groups of children. Some twins are really sad when they are in different classes. Twins should always be in different classes so they can learn to live without each other.


Dr Green: Twins are close to each other, but that doesn’t mean they are always best friends. They enjoy playing with other kids just like any other children. Twins are always best friends.


Dr Green: Twins compete with each other just like any children. As they grow up, they no longer feel the need to compare themselves with their twin brother or sister. – Twins always compete with each other.



Pain (біль), power (сила), twin (близнюк), to compete (змагатись), to enjoy (насолоджуватись), to grow up (вирости), together (разом), each other (один одному).

Вправа 4.

  1. a) it is not a good idea to put twins in different classes at school. Some twins are really sad when they are in different classes.
  2. b) twins are not best friends just because they are twins. They enjoy playing with other kids just like any other children.
  3. c) twins do not compete with each other when they grow up. Twins compete with each other just like any children. As they grow up, they no longer feel the need to compare themselves with their twin brother or sister.
  4. d) twins are never completely the same. Some twins really look alike but some don’t. When you know twins well, you can say who is who. Their parents can always say who is who.
  5. e) some twins have special powers. They are a special power together.

Сторінка 28

Вправа 1.

Родич. У мене багато родичів: четверо дядьків і тіток і шестеро

двоюрідних братів. Бен часто телефонує дядькові Джону, своєму родичу зі США.

єдина дитина. У Саллі немає братів чи сестер — вона єдина дитина в її сім’ї.

м’який, милий, приємний. Мій кіт такий милий! Я дуже люблю його обіймати. Джейн має багато м’яких і плюшевих іграшкових тварин.

бути справжнім болем у шиї. Моя молодша сестричка завжди задає мені дурні питання і часто виносить мої речі з моєї кімнати — вона справжній біль у шиї.


Вправа 2.

My little brother is a real pain in the neck. We have got a lot of relatives around the world. My aunt and uncle from Australia are the best. We have got a parrot called Lilly.

I am not an only child. My sister is not bad at singing. I have got a lot of cuddly animals and they all have got names.

I share a room with my brother. We have got bunk beds.

I have got two cousins in America. They are twins. They live near Disneyland. I would like to go to this amusement park.


Вправа 3.

  1. Are you an only child in the family? Yes, I am.
  2. Have you/Has your friend got a little brother/sister? No, I haven`t got.
  3. In what cities/towns do your relatives live? My relatives live in Lviv and Kyiv.
  4. Do you often call your cousins? Yes, I do. I call my call my cousins every day.
  5. Are there twins in your family/among your relatives? No, there aren`t.
  6. Have you got any cuddly pet at home? Yes, I have got. I have got two pets-dog and cat.

Сторінка 29    Вправа 1.

  • Have you got a brother / a sister? Yes, I have got. I have got a brother.
  • Do you get along with your brother / sister? Yes, I do.
  • Does he / she sometimes annoy you? How? No, she doesn`t. But sometimes she doesn`t do what I ask.
  • Would you like to be an only child? No, I wouldn`t like to be an only child.
  • Is it better to have a brother / a sister or to be an only child? Yes, it is, because it is fun and we can do everything together.

Вправа 2.

Мій молодший брат Тед — справжня неприємність. Він весь час слідує за мною. Він не грає в своїй кімнаті, але він приходить до моєї кімнати і робить безлад.

«Будь ласка, прибери кімнату зараз», — кажу я йому, але він цього не робить. Він просто каже: «Я занадто малий.” Насправді, він не виконує жодної роботи. Я допомагаю нашій мамі з посудом, виношу сміття, мию татову машину…

Тед завжди бере мої речі, не запитуючи, і не повертає їх. Я досі не знаю, де мій скейтборд.

Коли я телефоную друзям, він завжди повторює все, що я говорю. «На щастя, у нас сьогодні немає нічого на домашнє завдання». «На щастя, у нас немає нічого на домашнє завдання сьогодні», – каже він. «Я думаю, що Джесіці я не подобаюся». «Мені здається, Джесіці я не подобаюся», — повторює він.

“Замовкни!” Я кричу. “Замовкни!” він теж кричить. я не розумію що смішного в повторенні того, що говорять інші люди.

«Він занадто малий», — просто пояснюють мої батьки. «Він не розуміє».

Тед їсть солодощі перед обідом, а потім не їсть свою їжу. Іноді він ховає татовий ключ від машини і не хоче сказати, де це. Тож мама і тато іноді дійсно зляться, але Тед просто каже: «Я занадто малий.”

Іноді я хотів би бути «занадто маленьким», особливо коли міс Джонс каже моєму татові, що я регулярно не виконую домашні завдання.

Отже, це Тед. Він мене дуже дратує, але він мій братик і я його люблю.

Mike loves his kid brother.

Сторінка 30 

Вправа 3


неправильно  написано                          правильна відповідь

Sings                                                                   Follows

 Noise                                                                   mess

Chairs                                                                   rubbish

Tennis racket                                                       skateboard

Dinner                                                                  homework

Get out                                                                 Shut up

Ice cream                                                              sweets

Umbrella                                                              car key

Dinosaur                                                              brother

Нe makes 9 mistakes.


Вправа 4.

  1. a) Mike’s brother Ted is a nuisance.
  2. b) Ted makes a mess in Mike’s room.
  3. b) Ted doesn’t do any chores.
  4. b) Ted always takes Mike’s things without asking.
  5. b) Ted repeats everything Mike says
  6. a) Ted eats sweets before dinner.
  7. b) Mike doesn’t do his homework regularly.
  8. a) Mike loves his brother.

Вправа 5.

  • Is Ted a good brother? No, he isn’t. He is nuisance.
  • Is Mike a good brother? Yes, he does. Because he loves his brother.
  • Would you like to have a brother like Ted? I wouldn`t like to have a brother like Ted.
  • Why or why not? I wouldn`t like to have a brother like Ted, because he is nuisance and impolite kid.



Сторінка 31

Вправа 1.

Hi, Rita. I`m sitting in my room. My dad`s reading a newspaper. It`s cold outside. We`re listening to music. My sister and her friends are watching a film in the living room. Say hello to your family!

Вправа 2.

Hi! I`m doing homework. My dad`s repairing his car. My mother`s cooking. My sister`s watching a TV.


Вправа 3.

  1. Where is Taras? Taras is in the classroom.
  2. What is he doing? He is learning about Present Continuous now.
  3. What is his father’s job?  He`s a PE teacher.
  4. Is his mother a teacher? No, she isn’t. She is a doctor.
  5. Who is his sister? His sister is a student.
  6. Where is his grandfather? His grandfather is working in the garden.


Вправа 4.

  1. The children are learning about the Present Continuous now.
  2. My father is playing basketball.
  3. My mother is talking to a patient.
  4. My sister is doing a test.
  5. One grandmother is cooking now, the other grandma is watching a TV.
  6. My grandpa is working in the garden.

Сторінка 32

Вправа 1.

  1. Would Mike like to be a pilot?  Yes, he would.
  2. Would he like to be a teacher?  No, he wouldn`t.
  3. Would he like to be a computer programmer? Yes, he would.
  4. Why wouldn’t Pete like to be a doctor? Pete wouldn’t like to be a doctor because it`s yucky and you often work at night.
  5. Would Pete like to be a journalist? No, he wouldn`t.
  6. What would Pete like to be? Pete would like to be a detective.
  7. What qualities should you have to become a detective? I should be patient, brave and hard-working to become a detective.


Вправа 2.     

Wouldn’t like to be Why Would like to be… Why
Mike a teacher school is boring and there are too many kids. a computer programmer He could play computer games all day long with nobody around to say, “Don’t you think it’s time to stop playing?”
Pete a journalist he is bad at writing a detective He has all the right qualities to be a detective.

Вправа 3.

  • What would you like to be? I would like to be an artist.
    Why? Because I like to paint pictures.
  • What wouldn’t you like to be? I wouldn`t like to be a computer programmer.
    Why not? Because I don`t like different calculations.

Сторінка 33

Вправа 1.

Doctor, dentist, artist, actor, computer, programmer, policeman, hairdresser, musician, engineer, mechanic, astronaut, teacher, postman, vet, seller


Вправа 3.

A cook works in a restaurant.
An actor works in a theatre.
A vet works in a zoo.
A clerk works in a bank.

Вправа 4. 

a) A teacher, a vet, an architect, a secretary, a doctor, a postman, a policeman.


  1. Who brings letters? A postman brings letters.
  2. Who helps a doctor? A doctor helps sick people.
  3. Who repairs teeth? A dentist repairs teeth.
  4. Who works in an office? A secretary works in an office.
  5. Who teaches at school? A teacher teaches at school.
  6. Who catches burglars? A policeman catches burglars.

Вправа 5.

  1. Who is absent today? A teacher
  2. Open wide! A dentist
  3. Say ‘Aaaah’! A doctor
  4. Yummy, this cake will be very good! A chef (cook)
  5. How many rooms would you like? An administrator
  6. That is 20 pounds, sir. A seller
  7. I must put on my costume. An office worker.
  8. Hands up, burglar! A policeman


Сторінка 34

Вправа 1.

  1. Jane is visiting her grandparents now.
  2. They`re running in the park now.
  3. Ted and Bob are singing
  4. Carly is dancing disco now.
  5. I`m cooking dinner now.


Вправа 2.

  1. studies
  2. am watching
  3. speaks
  4. is cleaning
  5. are playing
  6. go

Вправа 3.

  1. What do you do on Saturday? — I go to the club.
  2. Where is Sally studying? — Right now.
  3. Why are they smiling? — Because they are happy.
  4. Where does he work? — At the office.
  5. Who is cleaning the kitchen? — Ted is.

Сторінка 35

Вправа 1.

These are Frank and Liza.
They are my brother and sister.
Frank is playing the guitar and Lisa is playing the piano.
They are singing a song.

Вправа 2.

  • What does a mechanic do? A mechanic repairs car.
  • What does a musician do? A musician plays the different musical instruments.
  • What does a hairdresser do? A hairdresser cut the hair.
  • What does a nurse do? A nurse helps a doctor.
  • What does an architect do? An architect designs buildings.


Вправа 3.

a) Pam`s class is playing Crocodile.


  • Do you work at the hospital? No, I don’t.
  • Do you repair something? No, I don’t.
  • Do you work in an office? Yes, I do.
  • Are you a secretary? Yes, I am.

Вправа 4.

  • What would you like to be? I would like to be a doctor, because I want to help sick people.
  • What would you like to be? I would like to be a teacher because I like children.
  • What would you like to be? I would like to be a vet because I want to help animals.
  • What would you like to be? I would like to be a policeman and catch burglars.

Сторінка 36

Вправа 1.

My mum starts work very late because she has to read articles for tomorrow’s Internet paper. She often talks to journalists and reporters about interesting stories. She knows a lot about the news around town.

В моєї мами робота починається пізно, тому що вона читає статті для завтрашньої інтернет газети. Вона часто спілкується з журналістами і репортерами про цікаві історії. Вона знає багато про новини по місту.

b She is an editor. (редактор)


… and sometimes she gives them medicine. Patients love her because she often talks to them. Sometimes she has to call the doctor when patients don’t feel well. The only problem with her job is that sometimes she must work at night.

А інколи вона дає їм ліки. Пацієнти люблять її тому що вона часто з ними розмовляє. Інколи вона має покликати лікаря, коли пацієнти погано почуваються. Єдина проблема в її роботі тещо вона повинна працювати всю ніч.

c She is a nurse (медсестра)


Most children are afraid of my mum because they say it always hurts when she fixes their teeth, but it is important to have healthy teeth. She doesn’t like it when I eat chocolate and sweets because it’s bad for my teeth. So, she makes fruit salad instead.

Більшість дітей бояться моєї мами, тому що завжди болить коли вона лікує їхні зуби, але це важливо мати здорові зуби. Їй не подобається коли я їм шоколад і цукерки, тому що це погано для моїх зубі. Тому, замість цього вона робить фруктовий салат.

b She is a dentist. (стоматолог)


I would like to have the same job as my mum when I grow up. She works in the circus and children are surprised when I tell them what she does. They think this is not a job for a woman, but when they see her with a funny hat and big shoes, they laugh and say she is great.

Я б хотіла мати таку робота як в моєї мами коли виросту. Вона працює в цирку і діти здивовані, коли я розказую їм  про тещо вона робить. Вони думають, що ця робота не для жінок, але коли бачать її з веселим капелюхом і великих черевиках, вони сміються кажуть, що вона чудова.

b She is a clown. (клоун)

Вправа 2.

Every day my mum goes to school, but not to study. My mother is a teacher of Physics. It is hard job, but not for my mum. She is very kind, clever and polite person.  Also, my mother is a form teacher. Children love her very much and even say that she is the best teacher. Especially, pupils like, when she shows them different interesting experiments. I am proud of my mother because she likes what she does.


Вправа 3.

І would like to be a doctor.

I`d like to be a doctor because it is interesting job and I want to help sick people. It is also hard job and needs a lot of knowledge and practice. I am patient, calm and hardworking. So, I think that this job is for me. Also I like to watch films and serials which are connected with a medicine. Sometimes, I read books and watch videos about anatomy and different procedures. I will be a doctor and I will try to do everything to my dream come true.

Сторінка 37   

Вправа 1.

  1. We play hockey. -We are playing hockey now.
  2. Sarah sings in the club. -Sarah is singing in the club now.
  3. Sam and Jack dance well. – Sam and Jack are dancing well at the moment.
  4. I clean my bedroom. I am cleaning my bedroom at the moment.
  5. Does Kim study Italian? – Is Kim studying Italian now?
  6. Do you run in the park? – Are you running in the park at the moment?


Вправа 2.

Tim would like to dance.
Bella would like to drink a glass of orange juice.
Ben would like to be a doctor.
Clare would like to play tennis.

  • I would like to travel all over the world right now and visit different places of interest there.

Вправа 3.

  1. What is Kate doing? — Kate is going to the park.
  2. Why do you dance? — I dance because it’s fun.
  3. What is she doing? — She is reading a book.
  4. When do Charlie and George go to the beach? — Charlie and George go to the beach in summer.
  5. What is Rick doing? — Rick is talking.

Вправа 4.

Student A: Student B:
1 Who grows plants? A gardener

2 Who writes documents? A secretary

3 Who cuts people’s hair? A hairdresser

4 Who repairs cars? A mechanic

5 Who helps a doctor? A nurse

6 Who teaches children? A teacher

7 Who acts in films? An actor

8 Who brings letters? A postman

1 Who helps sick animals? A vet

2 Who drives a taxi? A taxist

3 Who cooks in a restaurant? A cook (a chef)

4 Who flies into space? An astronaut

5 Who catches burglars? A policeman

6 Who sells things in a shop? A seller

7 Who plays an instrument? A musician

8 Who draws plans for houses? An architect

Сторінка 38

Вправа 5

Богато хлопців і дівчат хотіли б бути детективами.

Ви пам’ятаєте інспектора Джей?

О так, він може розкрити будь-який злочин — просто назвіть його! Але він має дуже насичене (зайняте) життя. Його телефон дзвонить цілий день, тому що є багато людей, які потребують його допомоги. Він щосили намагається допомогти всім, і він ніколи не каже ні.

Він завжди встає до 5 ранку, бо у нього багато працювати. Зазвичай він бігає підтюпцем протягом години, щоб підтримувати себе у формі. Решту  дня він настільки зайнятий, що часто пропускає обід чи вечерю.

Вранці він зазвичай розмовляє з підозрюваними , він оглядає речі і він ловить злочинців.

Решту дня він працює під прикриттям. Іноді він виступає вихователем у дитячому садку і вчить малих дітей. Іноді він пілот і літає на літаку, або він офіціант і подає страви в ресторані.

І він ніколи не лягає спати раніше 12.30. Іноді він навіть працює всю ніч. Тільки в неділю він отримав трохи відпочинок. Потім він сидить перед телевізором і завжди дивиться детективні фільми для вивчення нових детективних трюків. Бачиш, він зайнятий, навіть коли відпочиває вдома.

Отже, якщо ти теж хочеш бути детективом, ти повинен бути сміливим, працьовитим, розумним і хорошим актором. Як щодо тебе?

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. False
  6. False
  7. False
  8. True

Cторінка 39    

Вправа 6

I wouldn`t like to be a detective because I haven`t all qualities of it and I don`t like to watch detective films or read detective stories. Also it is dangerous work.

Вправа 7

  1. Alan is an orchestra director.
  2. Tom is a janitor.
  3. Melody is a detective.
  4. Ana is a Formula 1 driver.

Вправа 8

A) An orchestra director works in theatres or concert halls.
A janitor works at a school.
A detective works in the office or in the street.
A Formula 1 driver works on the road.


  • Alan Bowinski is an orchestra director. He works in theatres or concert halls. He helps musicians with the music by moving of his hands.
  • Tom Rowling is a janitor. He works at a school. He opens and closes the classrooms, cleans the board or fixes CD players or computers.
  • Melody Braze is a detective. She usually works in the office or in the street. She helps people in trouble or looks for lost people and sometimes for lost pets.
  • Ana Laponen drives Formula 1 racing cars. She likes fast racing cars, but when she`s not racing. She`s a very careful driver and never drives too fast.

Вправа 9

  • Outdoor jobs: a landscape architect, a recreation worker, an environmental scientist.
  • Indoor jobs: an office worker, a teacher, a doctor
  • Dangerous jobs: a policeman, a detective, a firefighter
  • Well-paid jobs: a computer programmer, a finance manager, a director
  • Interesting jobs: an actor, a florist, a cake decorator
  • Difficult jobs: a surgeon, an anesthesist, a firefighter


Вправа 10

a) Which job of those mentioned in task 7 is the most dangerous/interesting/ difficult? The most dangerous job is a Formula 1 driver. The most interesting and difficult job is a detective.

Would you like to be an orchestra director/a Formula 1 driver/a detective/a janitor? Say why. I would like to be a Formula 1 driver because I like cars and speed. I`m interested in different car races and always watch them on a TV.

b) Make a list of your group’s top five jobs. Say why you like them.

The most dangerous – a policeman
The most interesting – a detective
Well-paid – a computer programmer
The most difficult –  a firefighter
The most responsible – a surgeon

I like this jobs because each of them is necessary for people.


Вправа 11.

A food taster is a person who eats food hat was prepared for someone else, to confirm it is safe to eat. This person works in the restaurants and cafes. It is very tasty job, but sometimes it can be dangerous because some meals can be bad. I think that a job of food taster is an unusual.


Вправа 12.

  1. It is good to be an only child because everything is only for you.
  2. It is good to have a younger brother or sister because you are not lonely and have a company every time.
  3. It is fun to have a twin brother / sister because you will always have someone to play.
  4. It is good to have an older brother or sister because you can always ask them for their help.

Сторінка 40

Вправа 1

  1. -solve
  2. -grow up
  3. -journalist
  4. -cuddly
  5. -only child
  6. -twins
  7. -relatives
  8. -mystery

Вправа 2

  1. What are you doing? — I am writing a story.
  2. What does she learn at school? — She learns English at school.
  3. When do they go to work? — They go to work at 8 am.
  4. What is Ben doing? — Ben is singing.
  5. Why are you sitting here? — We are sitting here because we are bored.
  6. What do Charlie and Ted play? — Charlie and Ted play volleyball.


Вправа 3

A: b My dad’s job is very dangerous.

B: Really? What does he do?

A: He is a police officer.

B: Oh, is he brave?

A: c Definitely. He is hard-working, too.

B: e What other qualities does he have?

A: Well, he is clever, strong and careful.

B: My dad’s a doctor.  a So, he has to be careful too.

Ad Does he have to be patient?

B: Of course, I want to be like him.

A: Well, I want to be a singer when I grow up.

B: f You are very talented. So, come on!

Сторінка 41

(Unit 3 It`s tasty! – Це смачно!)

  • Do you always have breakfast in the morning? Yes, I do.
  • What do you usually have for dinner? I usually have a soup for dinner.
  • What is your favourite food? My favourite food is fastfood.

WHAT’S IN THIS UNIT? (Що в цьому розділі?)


  • food & drinks (їжа та напої)
  • dishes (страви)
  • modals: must / mustn’t (модальні дієслова)
  • the verb ‘to need’ (дієслово «потрібно»)
  • Present Perfect (теперішній доконаний час)
  • countable and uncountable nouns (злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники)
  • some, any (трішки)
  • much / many (багато)

SKILLS (навички)

  • talking about different food and drinks (розмова про різну їжу та напої)
  • identifying food and drinks as “healthy” and “unhealthy” (визначення їжі та напоїв як здорова і нездорова)
  • asking and answering about cooking (запитання і відповіді про готування)
  • talking about having meals (розмова про страви)
  • presenting your national dishes (презентація твоїх національних страв)
  • writing a recipe (написання рецепту)
  • writing a paragraph about your favourite cuisine (написання твору про твою улюблену кухню)

Сторінка 42

(National cuisinesнаціональні кухні)

  • a baguette – багет, батон
  • raw fish – сира риба
  • tiramisu – тірамісу
  • sushi – суші
  • macaroons – макаруни
  • spaghetti – спагетті

Paula: Ciao! Do you like pizza and spaghetti? They come from Italy. The Italians like to eat light food. They often cook pasta with tomatoes and seafood. One of the most popular desserts in Italy is tiramisu. Italy is also a country of good coffee.

Чао! Ви любите піцу та спагетті? Вони проходять з Італії. Італійці люблять їсти легку їжу. Вони часто готують пасту з помідорами і морепродуктами. Одним з найпопулярніших десертів  в Італії є тірамісу. Італія також є країною хорошої кави.


Julien: Salut! What do you have for breakfast? Baguettes, croissants, cheese? They all come from France. France is a country of food lovers. The French love eating cheese and seafood, and drinking wine and champagne. The most famous French dessert is macaroons. French people are famous in the rest of the world for eating frogs and snails. Bon appetit!

Вітаю! Що ти маєш на сніданок? Багети, круасани, сир? Усі вони родом із Франції. Франція – країна любителів поїсти. Французи люблять їсти сир і морепродукти, пити вино і шампанське. Найвідоміший французький десерт – макаруни. Французи відомі в усьому світі тим, що їдять жаб і равликів. Смачного!


Ai: Nei Ho! You probably know Asian noodles with vegetables and chicken. Rice is typical of Asian cuisine. A lot of people also know Japanese sushi. The Asians like to eat fish. They also eat raw fish.

Ней Хо! Ви, напевно, знаєте азіатську локшину з овочами та куркою. Рис характерний для азіатської кухні. Багато людей також знають японські суші. Азіати люблять їсти рибу. Вони також їдять сиру рибу.


Вправа 1

Cuisine (кухня), pasta (паста), baguettes (багети, батони), seafood (морепродукти), macaroons (макаруни), dessert (десерт), tiramisu (тірамісу), croissants (круасани), raw (сирий), champagne (шампанське), snails (равлики), probably (можливо), noodlеs (локшина), Japanese (японці), Asians (азіати)

Вправа 2

Pasta (паста), seafood (морепродукти), baguettes (багети), croissants (круасани), tiramisu (тірамісу), champagne (шампанське), rest (решта), snails (равлики), probably (можливо), Japanese (японці), Asians (азіати), raw (сирий)

Сторінка 43

Вправа 3

I love cheese. They produce a lot of cheese in France. I would like to travel there. Я люблю сир. В Франції виробляють багато сиру. Я б хотіла туди поїхати.

I spend my holidays by the sea every year. I love Italian cuisine. You can get pizza every day there. Я проводжу свої канікули біля моря кожного року. Я люблю італійську кухню. Ти можеш їсти піцу кожен день там.

I think Asian cuisine is very healthy. People there eat rice and noodles, chicken and fish. My favourite cuisine is Asian cuisine, but I don’t eat raw fish. Я думаю, що азіатська кухня дуже здорова. Люди їдять рис і локшину, курку і рибу. Моя улюблена кухня є азіатська, але я не люблю їсти сиру рибу.

What is your favourite cuisine and why? My favourite cuisine is Ukrainian because there are a lot of tasty meals.

How many foreign dishes do you know? I know many foreign dishes, for example, pizza, pasta, snails, burgers, noodles, sushi, croissants, hot chicken.

Вправа 4

Hello! Do you like borshch and varenyky? They come from Ukraine. Ukrainians like to eat tasty food. They often cook holubtsi with rice and meat. One of the most popular dessert in Ukraine is pampushki with poppy seed or jam. Ukraine is also famous by a drink called kysil.

Сторінка 44

Вправа 1

  • Spaghetti (спагетті) / rice (рис),
  • Fish (риба) / meat (м’ясо),
  • cocoa (какао) / tea (чай),
  • boiled eggs (варені яйця) / fried eggs (смажені яйця),
  • soup (суп) / chips (чіпси),
  • bread (хліб) / doughnuts (пончики),
  •  butter (масло) / crisps (чіпси)
  • jam (варення, джем) / honey (мед)
  •  cheese (сир) / ham (шинка)
  • chocolate (шоколад) / ice cream (морозиво)
  • salad (салат) / yoghurt (йогурт)
  • juice (сік) / mineral water (мінеральна вода)
  • popcorn (попкорн) / biscuits (печиво)

Вправа 2 

  • Sugar – цукор
  • Milk – молоко
  • Jam – джем, варення
  • Tea – чай
  • Cornflakes – пластівці
  • Honey – мед
  • Butter – масло
  • Bacon and eggs – бекон і яйця
  • Cheеse – сир

Вправа 3

  • I like bananas, strawberries and apples among fruit.
  • I like potato, cucumbers and tomatoes among vegetables.



Cторінка 45   

Вправа 1

  1. A) Do you eat healthy food? Yes, I do. I eat a lot of healthy food a day.
  2. B) crisps – чіпси
    Peanuts – арахіс

EAT WELL — FEEL WELL – Їж добре – Почувайся добре

Crisps and peanuts are unhealthy and you shouldn`t eat them between your meals.
Діти мають природознавство. Лікар розповідає про здорове харчування.

Лікар: Яка їжа  багата на вітаміни?
Клас: Лимони, апельсини, яблука, груші…
Лікар: Так, є вітаміни у фруктах, овочах, коричневому хлібі та інших продуктах харчування.
Клас: Навіщо нам вітаміни?
Лікар: Вони важливі для ваших очей, вашої шкіри і вашого здоров’я. Хто мені підкаже де ми можемо знайти мінерали?
Клас: У молоці, сирі, яйцях і в овочах.
Лікар: Так, мінерали є важливі для ваших зубів і ваших кісток. І… не пропускайте ваш сніданок. Це найбільш важливий прийом їжі. Не треба їсти чіпси та арахіс між вашим прийомами їжі. І пам’ятайте: ви повинні випити не менше п’яти склянок води щодня.


Вправа 2

  1. Lemons, oranges, apples, pears are rich in vitamins.
  2. There are vitamins in fruit, vegetables, brown bread and in other food as well.
  3. Vitamins are important for our eyes, our skin and our health.
  4. We can find minerals in milk, cheese, eggs and in vegetables.
  5. Minerals are important for our teeth and our bones.
  6. Breakfast is the most important meal.
  7. Don’t eat crisps and peanuts between your meals!
  8. You must drink at least five glasses of water every day.

Сторінка 46

Вправа 3


a I like this food — it’s very tasty. (смачний) – Мені подобається ця їжа – вона дуже смачна.
b I like fried (смажені) eggs better than boiled eggs. Мені подобаються смажені яйця більше ніж варені.
c Cornflakes (пластівці) are cereals. Пластівці це злаки.
d A toast with marmalade is my usual breakfast. Тост з варенням це мій звичайний сніданок.
e — My mum drives cars. Моя мама їздить на машинах.
  — Can she drive?!! I can’t believe you! Вона вміє їздити?!!Я не можу в це повірити!



  1. People in other countries believe that British food is very good and tasty. I disagree.
  2. The British eat a traditional English breakfast every morning. I agree.
  3. The British have a big meal only for brunch. I disagree.
  4. There are many places to eat out in Britain. I agree.


 Вправа 4

1 People in other countries often believe that British food is bad and not tasty. Люди в інших країнах часто вважають, що британська їжа погана і не смачна. –    BRITISH FOOD BELIEFS


2 The traditional breakfast is fried eggs, bacon, sausages, fried tomatoes and fried bread. But most British people have a toast with marmalade or cereals such as cornfl akes. A late breakfast and an early lunch is called ‘brunch’. Традиційний сніданок – смажені яйця, бекон, сосиски, смажені помідори та смажений хліб. Але більшість британців готують тости з мармеладом або пластівцями, наприклад кукурудзяні пластівці. Пізній сніданок і ранній обід називають бранчем.- BRITISH BREAKFASTS


3 Many British people eat very little for lunch and then have a big meal when they come home around six in the evening. It’s called dinner. It’s a cooked meal. Багато британців їдять дуже мало на обід, а потім багато їдять вони приходять додому близько шостої вечора. Це називається вечеря. Це приготована страва.-      A BIG MEAL OF A DAY


4 Fish and Chips shops are their traditional fast-food restaurants. There are also a lot of burger and pizza places as well as Indian and Chinese takeaways. Fish and Chips shops – це їхні традиційні ресторани швидкого харчування. Є також є багато гамбургерів і піцерій, а також індійські та китайські страви на винос. –          PLACES TO EAT OUT


Вправа 5

1-b    2- b   3- b   4- c   5- c    6- a

Сторінка 47

Вправа 1    

  1.  be – been
  2.  buy – bought
  3.  cut – cut
  4.  do – done
  5.  drink – drunk
  6.  eat – eaten
  7.  have – had
  8.  learn – learnt
  9.  make – made
  10.  put – put 


 Вправа 2

  1. hasn`t eaten
  2. has drunk
  3. have made
  4. hasn`t bought
  5. hasn`t done
  6. have put
  7. haven`t learnt
  8. has been
  9. haven`t had
  10. has cut

Вправа 3

  1. Has your mum ever bought the ingredients for the cake? Yes, she has.
  2. Have you ever had a picnic? Yes, I have.
  3. Have they already drunk the lemonade? Yes, they have.
  4. Has she ever made a cheesecake? No, she hasn`t.
  5. Have Sam and Mary ever eaten frog eggs? No, they haven`t.

Cторінка 48   

Вправа 1

A pan, a mixer, cups, an oven, a spoon, a recipe, a flour, a water, a salt, a sugar, a cocoa.



  • 1 egg
  • 4 cups of butter
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 2 squares of chocolate
  • 6 cups of flour
  • Bake for 60 minutes at 200 C

Вправа 3

  • Can you make a cake? Yes, I can
  • What’s it called? It’s called a Biscuit.
  • What do you need to make it? I need 3 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 6 cups of flour, 1 spoon of oil.

Вправа 4

  • What are Mike and Ted doing? They are making a cake for their mother.
  • Why? Because they want to make her a surprise.
  • Is their mother surprised? Yes, she is.
  • Why? Because she loves brownies.


Вправа 5

  1. It is mum’s birthday today.
  2. Mike and Ted are making a cake to surprise their mum.
  3. They are making Brownies.
  4. They mix 1 egg, 6 cups of flour, 2 squares of chocolate, 4 cups of butter and half a cup of sugar.
  5. They bake the cake for 60 minutes.
  6. Their cake looks like an old shoe.
  7. Mum thinks this is a nice surprise.
  8. Mike and Ted must clean the kitchen before the guests arrive.

Сторінка 49

Вправа 1

  1. -dinner
  2. -breakfast
  3. -supper
  4. -lunch
  5. -brunch

Вправа 2

  • SNACK popcorn, crisps, fruit yoghurt, an apple, butter, jam
  • BREAKFAST cereals, cornflakes
  • DINNER / LUNCH salad, fish
  • SUPPER mashed potatoes, roast chicken.

My supper: sandwiches, tea and yoghurt.

Вправа 3

  • For breakfast I usually have a porridge with a jam.
  • For lunch / dinner I usually have a salad, potato and meat.
  • For a snack I usually have crisps and nuts.
  • For supper I usually have sandwiches with tea and yoghurt.

Сторінка 50

Вправа 1


There’s some rice in the jar. There’s some milk in the bottle. There’s some sugar in the jar. There’s some oil in the bottle. There’s some water in the jug.

У банці є трохи рису. У пляшці є трохи молока. У баночці є трохи цукру. У пляшці є трохи олії. У глечику є трохи води.

There are some apples on the table. There are some oranges on the table. There are some eggs on the table. There are some bananas on the table. There are some lemons on the table. There are some onions on the table.

На столі кілька яблук. На столі лежать кілька апельсинів. На столі є кілька яєць. На столі лежать банани. На столі лежать лимони. На столі є цибуля.



  • There’s some rice in the jar.
  • There’s some milk in the bottle.
  • There’s some sugar in the jar.
  • There’s some oil in the bottle.
  • There’s some water in the jug.


  • There are some apples on the table.
  • There are some oranges on the table.
  • There are some eggs on the table.
  • There are some bananas on the table.
  • There are some lemons on the table.
  • There are some onions on the table

Вправа 2

There isn’t any butter. There isn’t any cheese. There aren’t any tomatoes. There aren’t any mushrooms. There aren’t any eggs. Немає жодного масла. Немає жодного сиру. Помідорів немає. Немає ніяких грибів. Яєць немає.

  • Is there any cheese in the fridge? — Yes, there is. Чи є сир у холодильнику? — Так, є.
  • Is there any butter in the fridge? — No, there isn’t. Чи є масло в холодильнику? — Ні, нема.
  • Are there any eggs in the fridge? — Yes, there are. — Чи є яйця в холодильнику? — Так, є.


Вправа 3.

A: There’s some butter in the freezer.
B: How much is there?
A: There is a lot. There are some hamburgers in the freezer.
B: How many are there?
A: There are a lot.

А: У морозилці є трохи вершкового масла.
В: Скільки там?
А: Є багато. У морозильній камері є кілька гамбургерів.
В: Скільки їх?
А: Є багато.

Решта завдань за покликанням: Англійська 5 клас Карпюк відповіді на Student’s Book

Відповіді на Activity Book: ГДЗ зошит з англійської 5 Карпюк

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