Наука і технічний прогрес. Відомі вчені та винахідники. Винаходи. 9 клас. Англійська мова

Урок №4

Homework: Write & Post:

  • How can apps help you to learn languages?
  • Which apps do you use or would you like to use? Why? / Why not?

Урок №3

Homework: Describe the Timeline with the four types of communication technology, using the phrases from the text.

Урок №2


  • Carry out a survey among your family and friends to find out the answer to the question: If you could own only one gadget, which would it be? Why?
  • Turn your findings into a pie-chart and describe it.

Урок №1


Homework: Think of a problem faced by individuals or groups in current Ukrainian society. What would be an invention that could solve this problem and improve quality of life? Describe your invention in an article.

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