Англомовні країни. Визначні місця та історичні пам’ятки. Past Continuous. 9 клас. Англійська мова.

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Homework: read and learn pp224-224 Past Simple & Past Continuous.

( 2 оцінки, середнє 3 з 5 )
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  1. Парфентієв дмитро

    1 . John was playing tennis at three o’lock.
    2.Mr. and Mrs. Green weren’t rating in the dining room when the murder heppened.
    3.l was writing letters all day yesterday.
    4.What were you doing when l phoned?
    5.Was she wtching TV when it happened?
    6. We were revising all afternoon in the library .
    7.We were having a coffee when we heard the news on the radio.

  2. Лукашов Владислав

    1. John played tennis for three hours.
    2.Mar. and Mrs. Green was not present in the dining room when the murder took place.
    3. I wrote letters all day yesterday.
    4.What did you do when I called?
    5.Was she, when it happened, did she pick up the TV?
    6. We were in the library all day.
    7. We drank coffee when we heard the news on the radio
